About Lakeshire

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City Government

Lakeshire is structured as a Fourth-Class City with a Mayor/Council form of government. The Mayor is elected citywide for a term of two years. Two alderman represent each of the three wards for a two-year term. Each ward Alderman is elected on alternate years, which provides for continuity of government.

The Mayor appoints city officials with the approval of two thirds of the members of the Board of Aldermen. City Officials include the Municipal Judge, Chief of Police, Emergency Management Director, Treasurer, City Clerk, Public Works Director, City Attorney, Prosecutor, Court Clerk, Building Commissioner, and Housing Coordinator.

City Council meetings are held on the second Monday of every month starting promptly at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Community Center, 10000 Puttington Drive. Public notice is given for any special meetings. Residents are encouraged to attend and become involved in city government. To contact a city official, see the City Contacts portion of this site. See Ward Map below.

City Park

Come and enjoy the peaceful surroundings in our city park. Figi Park is named after former Mayor Emil J. Figi who reserved the land for use as a public park. The park, located at Squire Meadows and Parkman Drive, was renovated in the spring of 2005. A children’s Easter Egg hunt is held in the park each year for the enjoyment of our residents’ children and grandchildren.

Community Center

Most city functions are held at the Community Center located at 10000 Puttington Drive. The Board of Aldermen meet there on the 2nd Monday of each month and Municipal Court is held on the 3rd Thursday of the month except August.  There are no court sessions in August.  The building also houses administrative offices for the city and the Lakeshire Police Department.

Fire Protection

The Affton Fire District provides fire and emergency medical services to the City of Lakeshire. We enjoy a low fire insurance rating because of the high standards maintained by the fire department. Their close proximity to the city results in a quick response time.

Occupancy Inspections

Occupancy Permits are required per the Lakeshire Property Maintenance Code Section 500.050 upon change of Occupancy or Ownership of any house or dwelling unit in the City of Lakeshire. It is unlawful to occupy or permit the occupation of any dwelling or dwelling unit until an occupancy permit has been issued by the enforcement official. In the event a multi-family building is sold and there is no change in occupancy, an inspection of the building is still required.

Upon application for an occupancy permit, the City shall inspect the dwelling.  These re-occupancy inspections help to ensure the safety of the occupants as well as protect against neighborhood deterioration and blight, and, therefore, protect your investment in your home or building. The occupancy permit shall not be issued until all violations of the City Code have been eliminated and the property brought into compliance with the Code.

Inspections are conducted by Lakeshire’s Inspector to determine whether dwellings or dwelling units comply with Property Maintenance Codes also covering Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Fire Codes.  The inspection fee includes the initial inspection and one required re-inspection for compliance when deficiencies are cited. The inspection fee schedule is as follows:

  • HOUSES – $96.00
  • DUPLEXES – $96.00 (each unit)
  • CONDOMINIUMS – $96.00 (each unit)
  • APARTMENTS – $75.00 (each unit)
  • THIRD OR PAST DUE inspection charge is $43.67.

Complete in full a Lakeshire Occupancy Permit Request – Owner or Tenant Information Card (available for download per the City website) https://lakeshiremo.gov/occupancy-permits/

After receiving a completed Information Card with Payment, the Lakeshire Building Commissioner will then contact the property owner (or agent) to schedule an inspection.

Checks for the inspection fee should be made payable to the City of Lakeshire. The check can be placed in an envelope marked to the attention of the City Clerk and dropped in the mail slot of the door at Lakeshire City Hall or mailed to the following address:  Lakeshire City Hall, 10000 Puttington Drive, Lakeshire, MO 63123, ATTN: City Clerk – Inspections.


The city is served by two school districts which are AAA rated. The Affton School District serves the northern half of the city while the Lindbergh School District serves the southern half of the city. Highly respected private and parochial schools are located within a few blocks of our community.

Public Works

Our Public Works Director, Jim Yarbrough, takes great pride in the quality of our streets and alleys. Do not expect to encounter any potholes while driving in our community. A large portion of the city’s budget is devoted to annual repair and maintenance of streets.

Snow and ice removal is the top priority during inclement weather. Plowing begins with two inches of snow. Residents are encouraged to park their vehicles in garages or driveways during snowstorms. This permits the plows to move faster. The faster the trucks can travel, the more effective they are at moving snow off the street. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Municipal Court

Traffic and city ordinance violations are set for hearing in the Lakeshire Municipal Court. Court is held at 5:30 PM on the third Thursday of each month (except August) at City Hall, 10000 Puttington Drive.  There are no court sessions in August.

For additional information, see Court Procedures.

City Brochure

Click to enlarge, or download PDF version.

Community Development Block Grant Program

The City participates in St. Louis County’s Community Development Block Grant Program, which is funded through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Each January, when released by the federal government, funds will become available for use by eligible low-to-moderate income individuals and/or families. Those who meet the eligibility requirements can apply for funds (not to exceed $7,500) to be used for major items, such as roof, furnace, air conditioner repairs/replacement, foundation work, etc. The program permits a one-time participation per homeowner.

The program contact person for the South County area is Brian Defrenne  bdufrenne@stlouiscounty.mo  314-615-4427

Brian can determine if you are eligible for participation and can provide more details about the program and the application process.